Videos as Effective Conversion Tools

Videos as Effective Conversion Tools


Videos as Effective Conversion Tools


For many people, watching a movie is better than reading a book from which the story is based on. Generally, videos are types of content that attracts people because of how informative and entertaining they are. Surprisingly, a number of companies use video to enhance their online marketing performance.


Videos captivate more attention compared to the usual textual content. Moreover, because people cannot skim videos, their tendency is to watch the whole thing being played and see if it interests them.


The most significant advantage of incorporating videos is that they usually increase the conversion rates. Adding a video on your landing page will boost sales. On the other hand, videos added to blog posts will enhance the email opt-in rate.


It will help to consider integrating video into all processes of your sales funnel. Below are some case studies that will lead you to appreciate the value of having quality marketing


1. jewelry store found that those who watched a video on their website converted 400% better than those who did not. In addition to this remarkable boost, they also noticed that their average returns dropped by 25%.


2., a supplier of a wide variety of home products, has added videos relevant to its products. As a result, the visitors who watched the videos were 144% more likely to purchase than those who did not.el


3. An analysis of Treepodia found that visitors who watched product videos converted better than those who were not in each niche. They have converted more than 100% better in some niches.


4. Retail Touchpoints reported that incorporating video increased their conversion rate by 174%. While video works better in some niches than in others, it has a positive effect on most businesses.


4 Reasons Videos Are Effective Conversion Tools


Video is a material to enhance the conversion rate. However, just as there are blog posts of low quality, there are also videos of low quality that will not produce results.


There are four main reasons why video can help to keep traffic and attention.


Reason #1 – Complicated topics can be made simple.

Content writing is great when elucidating simple ideas; however, once more complicated instances are involved, it can get tough.


For example, if you are writing a how-to topic that requires explaining on how to do something, it would most likely take you a thousand words or more to complete that write-up. However, in a video, procedures can be explained in just a few minutes.


Not only does a video offer more context, it also provides an illustration on how to execute the procedure, where to locate the parts, and even alternatives in doing things. Videos provide a bunch of information in just a short time.


Actionable content is what encourages people to act, either following a tutorial or buying an item. Other topics can't be clarified by text conclusively. Thus, it is necessary to show specific items rather than explain them.


Reason # 2 – More authentic.


Content writing is good. However, it limits the interaction between the writer and the reader. Videos, on the other hand, are among the easiest ways to connect with the audience, even with a single interaction.


What happens through time is that the readers will read the other content through your voice, just as how you view an image with a quote from a film.


Reason # 3 – Goods are better seen in action.

Numerous components prevent individuals from purchasing items online. One of these is the uncertainty one feels about how the item will appear, feel, and function, in actuality.


In a video of an item being unpacked and tested, you can see important things like:


  • How enormous it is (compared with different things in the video)
  • Does it look in the same class as the professional product images?
  • Do the primary features function as described?


You may want these questions answered if you have a great product, thus, giving your visitors more reasons to buy the product.



Reason # 4–People are lazy: Reading is tiring.

Staying focused and making sense of all the content requires mental effort. Honestly, you could state that it's sort of tragic that the vast majority would prefer not to read much any longer. However, it's a reality.


A review by Usurv discovered that clients are 39% bound to share and 36% bound to remark on an online video contrasted with a book article.


The Power of Emotional Marketing

About Author

David Wilson
David Wilson

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