Boost Your Traffic and Conversions By 200% With Video Marketing

Boost Your Traffic and Conversions By 200% With Video Marketing


Boost Your Traffic and Conversions By 200% With Video Marketing



You've just made the best decision by downloading this report.

We're about to show you the secret to increasing your conversion rate by at least 200%!

Stop losing customers to your competition, with this super effective strategy.


81% of customers say that watching a brand's video has convinced them to buy a product or service.

Right now, your priority should be to target these customers who are ready to buy, and this report will explain exactly how.

So if you're serious about boosting your sales, then need keep reading.

We've crafted the perfect plan for you and our strategies are so easy that you can start seeing results in as little as 48 hours from now.

Want To Know More About This Strategy And Its Benefits?

We'll Give You Everything You Need To Know.



5 Questions To Make Sure You're Ready To Boost Your Sales


Are you ready to:

1. Amplify your content strategy?

2. Raise your website traffic by at least 200%?

3. Drive your sales and annual revenue?

4. Become the go-to expert in your niche?

5. Crush your competition?

If you said "YES" to any of these questions, you can't stop reading.

We've compiled an expert industry report on this game-changing strategy. Every page contains key information that will take your business to the next level.

By the time you're done reading the report, you'll be equipped with everything you need to know about winning your audience, boosting your expert status, and securing more sales.


How This Company Used Video To Get 73,000 Views In 3 Months


Alaskan company, Doyon Tourism, wanted to boost the visibility of their "Kantishna Wilderness Trails".

Their goal was to increase brand awareness throughout Alaska, in preparation for the summer season.

To do this, they chose to use video marketing to showcase the scenic experience of the Denali National Park. The videos were promoted on Youtube.

Doyon's strategy included:

  • Optimizing video attributes, including: title, description, Call-to-Action, and thumbnails.
  • Implementing geo-targeting and display network targeting.
  • Actively managing both ads and budget, monitoring performance daily.



The Results?

In 3 months, Doyon Tourism achieved the following:



This 3 month video campaign brought the Kantishna Wilderness Trails website more than double the traffic than their previous year, and a major increase in reservation requests.

Your goal should be to use videos to show users the best side of your business.

Standing out from your competitors is a real challenge. How do you create a memorable first impression for your potential customer? How do you create content that will pull your audience away from competitors, and towards your business?

The answer is a high-quality video


What Is Video Marketing?


Video is a powerful way to connect with your prospects, and get them to convert.

You can use this tool for everything - from building customer relationships to successfully promoting your products and services.

Every business needs video, but over 90% of businesses aren't using this strategy!

We did the research:




This is the BIG strategy you need to boost your brand and become #1 in your industry.


Boost your conversions and sales

Videos can make you a lot of money. Adding a product video to your landing page can increase conversions by 80%!

Video can also directly lead to sales. Businesses using video grow company revenue 49% faster, year-over-year, than organizations without.

Video marketing is the secret weapon you need to get customers to buy, buy, buy.

Build trust and credibility

Video content is more likely to engage your customers. Prospects can learn more about your business, in a short amount of time, with video marketing. 57% of consumers say that videos make them more confident to buy online.

Get amazing ROI

83% of businesses say that video provides great return on investment.

Today, you don't have to spend lots of money to create great videos. With the right budget, you can create high-converting videos that bring in BIG results.

Drive up your search ranking

You're 53 times more likely to show up first on Google if you have a video embedded on your website. With video marketing, you can increase the time spent by visitors on your site. Longer site exposure tells search engines that your site has valuable content.


You can't get these amazing benefits without the perfect video marketing strategy.

The biggest mistake you could make is to stop reading this report. Without our expert guidelines, you will struggle to win your target market, and you'll keep losing customers to the competition.



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6 High-Performing Video Types to Boost Your Business


There are at least one hundred different video options that you could use to generate leads, but not all of them will bring you the success you want. To save you from the process of trial and error, we've listed 6 of the best video options that you should know about. Each one has a proven record of turning viewers into leads and paying customers.

Here are the highest-performing videos that you should consider:

How-To Videos

Got a product that needs a tutorial? Make a creative how-to video to guide your customers and also establish your expert status.

Demonstration Videos

The goal is to showcase your products and get your prospects to convert. You must strike a balance between being promotional, informative, and interactive

Offer Videos

These are 30 second ads that make a SPECIAL offer on a specific product or service.

Expose "Expert Interview" Videos

The best videos for making your business the go-to expert in your niche. Use this type to discuss important topics in your niche, and win your audience's trust.

Reputation Videos

Use 60 - 90 second videos to showcase your best reviews and testimonials from your customers.

FAQ Videos

Build a relationship with your customers with quick 90 to 120 second videos that answer the popular questions they ask.

You're now one step closer to creating your first perfect video. Video is a powerful, persuasive tool - only if they're applied the right way. So, if you fall to pick the right videos for your business, you will boost your conversions in less than a month.

Ready to create videos that will

boost your business?

Contact Us Today And We'll Help You Immediately!





6 Secrets For A Successful Video Marketing Strategy




With a high-value video, you'll get to motivate prospective customers to connect with you.

You can achieve this by:

1. Planning Everything First

Want to see consistent growth in your marketing campaign? Start with a detailed, trackable plan. To create a successful video marketing strategy, you must have a plan that Includes a set of goals that keep you accountable.

Planning also includes selecting topics, creating storyboards, and writing scripts for every video you want to create.

2. Focusing On The Story, Not The Sale

Your audience is not interested in promotional content, they want value. If you focus on making your videos promotional, you'll lose your audience. High-converting videos focus on reaching an audience through their emotions and creating a connection. The most important part of any video is telling a cohesive and concise story.

3. Making The Best First 10 Seconds, Ever!

Your audience has a very short attention span. So, your goal should be to convince viewers your video is worth their time. A successful video brings a story to life within the first ten seconds. Use interesting thumbnails and creative previews to spark instant interest in an audience.

4. Optimizing Your Video For SEO

Everyday, over 6 billion searches are conducted on Google and Youtube combined. Maximize your views by optimizing your videos for these sites and other search engines. Just follow these steps:

Use strong keywords in your title

Add a detailed description, and

Embed your video in your website


5. Including Strong CTAs

Give your audience a strong CTA that makes them want to take instant action. The best place to put a CTA is at end of a video. Some of the best CTAs to use are asking your viewers to:

Subscribe to your channel

Follow / Like your Page

Share with their friends

Comment on the video

Check out other content



6. Collaborating with Brands and Influencers

90% of consumers trust peer recommendations over company ads.

When a trusted influencer recommends a product it feels like more than a brand telling you how great its own product or service is. Think about how you can collaborate with other brands and influencers in your space to increase the reach of your content.

The key thing with video marketing is to constantly give your audience high-value content that they are convinced they cannot live without. With these secret ingredients, you can create a series of perfect videos that will win the trust of your subscribers, multiply your rate of conversions, and also set you far ahead of your competitors.



Top 5 Platforms for Sharing Your Video Content


The only way to experience the full benefits of video marketing, is to use the best video-sharing platforms available. There are dozens of platforms to choose from, but here are five of the best:



Over 100 million hours of video are watched on Facebook everyday. Videos posted on this platform also receive 135% more organic reach on average than a written post. Facebook also has amazing advertising tools you can use to put your video in front of 1000+ viewers.



45% of people watch more than 1 hour of Facebook or YouTube videos a week. After Google, YouTube is the most visited site. 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every day. Most customers use YouTube to look for local businesses, including yours.



82% of internet users watch video content on Twitter, mostly on mobile. Over 90% of mobile video viewers share a video with others, increasing its reach. With the right video, you can put your brand in front of 10,000+ prospects.



Video in email can lead to a 200 - 300% increase in clicks and conversions. Leverage your email list by giving them high-quality videos that will make them want to buy and share.



Including a video on our website's landing page can increase conversions by up to 80%. Your website visitors want to see high-quality videos that will make them take action. Give them content that will make them hurry back for more.

The idea is to get your videos in front of your target audience as much as possible. Dedicate a time everyday, to use several different techniques to promote your videos. The more attention your brand gets, the more traffic you can drive to your website and, ultimately, boost your sales.

Ready To Get Your Videos In Front Of Thousands Of Prospects?

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Secret Ingredients To Get Your Videos To Convert Viewers Into Customers


You need to create a comprehensive video marketing strategy that applies to every part of your funnel.

Every video you create should acknowledge your audience's challenges and provide a solution. Through this process, your content guides consumers through the steps of becoming aware of, evaluating, and buying your product or service.



Step One: Attract (Marketing)

The first step is to turn strangers into visitors. The videos you create should understand their problems and introduce a solution.

The goal of this kind of video is to grow reach and build trust.

These videos should be more entertaining and emotion-evoking. But, you must still provide enough information to associate yourself as an expert on the topic.

Examples of videos In the "attract" stage include:

  • Bite-sized social videos that show your brand's personality
  • Expert videos that establish you as a go-to for industry news and insight
  • Brand films share your values and mission, or
  • Explainers and how-to videos that provide relevant tips for solving your audience's problem
  • A webinar filled with tactical advice,
  • Product demos sent via email,
  • Case studies, or
  • Deeper explainer and how-to videos.
  • Customer testimonials
  • In-depth product demos, culture videos or
  • Personalized videos that explain how your product can make their lives better

For any video in this step, don't speak too much about your product. Instead, let your brand values and personality be your guide.

Step Two: Convert

The goal of this kind of video is to educate and excite.

Now that you've attracted website visitors, the next step is to convert these visitors into leads. This means collecting their contact information via a form. Think, landing page.


"Convert" videos may include:

Step Three: Closing

Now's it's time to close these leads into customers.

At this point, your prospect is weighing their options and deciding on the purchase. The goal of this video is to make your audience see themselves using your product or service — and winning.



Great "closing" videos include:

Step Four: Delight

The purchase has been made, but you need to make your customers come back for more.

During this step, your goal is to keep providing remarkable content to users. Your first opportunity to send a delight video comes directly after the purchase.

A thank you video to welcome them into the community or an onboarding video to get them rolling with their new purchase are great ideas.

Then, create a library of educational courses or product training videos to keep your customers informed and educated.

With this process, not only will you establish a relationship with your customers, you will also solidify that connection with meaningful communication that makes them want to keep buying from your business.


Video Can Instantly Drive Paid Traffic To Your Website


80% Of Users Can Recall A Video Ad They Viewed In The Past 30 Days.

Video marketing keeps your brand at the front of your customers' minds. This strategy also turns cold leads into hot prospects 10X faster than any other strategy.

Over 76% of users have visited a company's website after watching one of their video ads on social media. You can use your videos to drive more traffic to your websites AND get them to instantly buy.

Two strategies that work well are:

1. Cold Traffic

A business needed more traffic to come to their site. Instead of using SEO or PPC, they used video. These were the results of a 17 day campaign:



The video ad received over 14,000 impressions and over 100 potential customers in just 17 days!

Using video to boost website traffic is super effective AND affordable too. Look at how this strategy compares with a Pay-Per-Click strategy.




This business saved over $1,000 dollars in costs with one video campaign. That's more money for them to start another campaign and amplify their results. The best thing?

You can do this and experience the same results too!

2. Retargeting

Boosting your website traffic is also about getting them to buy.

Your goal should ALWAYS be to turn website visitors into paying customers. You can do that with retargeting; a strategy that can capture up to 100% of your website visitors.

Just follow these steps:

Step 1:

Place a retargeting pixel (Small piece of code sometimes called a cookie) in your video ad.

(If you don't have one let us know and we can do this for you)


Step 2:

When you have a visitor watch your video ad, that "Pixel Code" is downloaded to their browser and stored in their web browser history.


Step 3:

Start a "Retargeting Campaign" with special software that will show your ads to those that have visited your website.



Your ads will now start to show to your website visitors when they visit these other sites. You can show your ads up to 90 days to stay in front of them at the perfect time when they are ready to return to your site and buy.

These key strategies will bring thousands more visitors to your website AND make them want to buy immediately. It's push button simple to create high-converting videos. But you need to have the perfect strategy, first

We can help you with that.



Video marketing is the high-converting strategy you need to boost your business and bring in more sales.

It's the best way to engage your customers and crush your competitors. Video is also the ideal way to become the go-to expert in your industry.

Customers are more likely to trust your brand if you give them high-value videos regularly.

It's not enough to create basic videos. You need to create video content that will always stand out.

The mistake 90% of business owners make, is generating social videos that offers generic information and zero value. You need to make sure that you are not one of them.

So, while you focus on boosting your brand, take a look at your current video marketing strategy and compare it with what we've given you. If your strategy does not match the requirements we've provided in this report, then it's time for you to consider upgrading.



With the right video content, you can drive your sales up by at least 200 - 300%.

At INDIGO we’re giving you the opportunity to revamp your video marketing strategy.

If you are ready to start increasing your business through Video Marketing, We have an exclusive offer. Right now, as part of our beta program, we’re offering you a free video for your business!

Spots are limited so you definitely want to make sure that your business is included in our Beta program.

We are also offering a free consultation, to find out your video needs and point you in the right direction

We’re fully invested in using video marketing for increasing conversions because we’ve experienced the amazing results.

Our website traffic went up by 300% and our conversion rate escalated in a matter of days!

We want you to experience the same results we’ve achieved, and that’s why we created this report. We want to see you win.

Learn More



The author and publisher of this book have used their best efforts in preparing this material. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this program. They disclaim any warranties (expressed or implied), merchant-ability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or other damages.


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About Author

David Wilson
David Wilson

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